Which of the following represents the largest 4 digit number which can be added 7249 in order to make the derived number divisible by each of 12,14,21,33 and 54.a)9123b)9383c)8727d)none of these
Lovesh Sinha , 10 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
5 Answers
Last Activity: 10 Years ago
ans is none of these
l.c.m. of 12,14,21,33,54 is 756
and 756*2=1512 is also divisible by all the numbers
so the ans is 1512+7249=8761
Lovesh Sinha
Last Activity: 10 Years ago
LCM is wrong....check it again?
Last Activity: 10 Years ago
ans is l.c.m.of 12,14,21,33,54 – 7249=8316-7429 or 8316*2-7429
Miriyla Gowtham
Last Activity: 6 Years ago
THE LCM OF 12,14,21,33,54 IS 8316.
BUT 8316*2 = 16632 IS DIVISIBLE BY ALL ABOVE NUMBERS SO ANS IS 16632 – 7249 = 9383 (ANS)
Last Activity: 6 Years ago
answer is 9383 Find the LCM of the given numbers. 12= 2*2*3 14= 2*7 21= 3*7 33= 3*11 54= 3*2*3*3
Max powers of all prime numbers: 2=2 3=3 7=1 11=1
8316-7249=1067. Thus, if we add 1067 to 7249, the number will be divisible by all the given numbers. However, 1067 is not the GREATEST 4-digit number to satisfy the condition.
Next number that will be divisible is: 1067+8316=9383
Thus, adding 9383 to 7249 will give us a number that will be divisible by all the given numbers PLUS 9383 is the greatest 4-digit number that satisfies this condition.
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