
recently i have appeared in the S.A.1 exams of class 10 cbse . will a student get marks if the student simply touches a sum without getting the answer due to lack of time ? if a student writes simply a sentence will the student get marks ? in a CBSE maths exam is it possible for the examiner to award zero marks to a candidate ? please answer it . it’s very urgent .

recently i have appeared in the S.A.1 exams of class 10 cbse . will a student get marks if the student simply touches a sum without getting the answer due to lack of time ? if a student writes simply a sentence will the student get marks ? in a CBSE maths  exam is it possible for the examiner to award zero marks to a candidate ? please answer it . it’s very urgent .


1 Answers

Ashfaaq Mohammed
35 Points
9 years ago
See Kaushik,
Your teachers can’t simply give marks nor can they deduct marks from your paper. The marks given to you depends on the answer key given by the CBSE to your teachers, if the answer you have written match the answer in the key then you are awarded with the apropriate marks and if you have not solved an answer, you will be awarded for how many steps you have written (if they are correct).
As I said, it depends on the key given by the CBSE, so the examiner can or can’t award any candidate with zero marks.
Note: This information was given to me by my teachers.

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