Flag 10 grade maths> In a triangle ABC , D and E are two point...
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In a triangle ABC , D and E are two points on side AB and AC . DC and AB meet at O . If angle OCE is 20 degree , angle OEC is 30 degree , angle EOC is 130 degree , angle OBC is 70 degree , angle ODB is 40 degree then what is the measure of angle DEO.

Aausman , 9 Years ago
Grade 10
anser 1 Answers
Vijay Mukati

Last Activity: 9 Years ago

Using the angle sum property of triangle and veritically opposite angles, we can find the following angles, DOB= 150, DOE=BOC=50, OBD=10, BCO=60, B=80, C = 80, Assume DEO= x and EDO = y. Therefore, x+y = 130---eq(1). and ADE = 140-y and AED = 150-x. So angle A = x+y-110. Now Use A+B+C = 180 to form eq(2). Solve the two equation to find angle x. Thanks.

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