Flag 10 grade maths> Given three collinear points , then the n...
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Given three collinear points , then the number of circles which can be drawn through three points is :a) zerob) onec) twod) infinite

Harshit Singh , 3 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 1 Answers
Pawan Prajapati

Last Activity: 3 Years ago

Hint: When points lie on the same straight line , they are called collinear points. Draw three collinear points and try to form a circle. Complete step-by-step answer: Given , there are three collinear points . Now , by definition , we know that collinear points are the points which lie on the same straight single line . The question asks how many circles can be drawn through those three collinear points . Conceptually draw a figure , and it’s a straight line , which passes through the three points . In the figure A B C are three collinear points lying on the same straight line . Thus , no circle can be drawn through those collinear points . The only figure that can be drawn through them is a straight line , on which the three points lie . Hence , we cannot draw a single circle through three collinear points. Thus the required option for the above question is a) zero Note: The three collinear points lie on the same straight line , thus making it not possible to draw a circle through them . To draw a circle through the three points , the points need to be non collinear and not lie on the same straight line . Students go wrong in mostly understanding the concept of collinear points and hence end up choosing the wrong option .

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