Flag 10 grade maths> find how of 81 and 237 and express it as ...
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find  how of 81 and 237 and express it as linear combination of 81 and 237 i.e 237x =31x+237y for some  x and y

ANIKET , 7 Years ago
Grade 10
anser 1 Answers

Last Activity: 7 Years ago

Since 237 > 81, we apply the division lemma to 237 and 81 to obtain

237 = 81 x 2 + 75 … Step 1


Since remainder 75 ? 0, we apply the division lemma to 81 and 75 to obtain

81 = 75 x 1 + 6 … Step 2


Since remainder 6 ? 0, we apply the division lemma to 75 and 6 to obtain

75 = 6 x 12 + 3 … Step 3


Since remainder 3 ? 0, we apply the division lemma to 6 and 3 to obtain

6 = 3 x 2 + 0 … Step 4


In this step the remainder is zero. Thus, the divisor i.e. 3 in this step is the H.C.F. of the given numbers


The H.C.F. of 237 and 81 is 3


From Step 3:

3 = 75 – 6 x 12 … Step 5


From Step 2:

6 = 81 – 75 x 1


Thus, from Step 5, it is obtained

3 = 75 – (81 – 75 X 1) x 12

? 3 = 75 – (81x 12 – 75 x 12)

? 3 = 75 x 13 – 81x 12 … Step 6


From Step 1;

75 = 237 – 81 x 2


Thus, from Step 6;

3 = (237 – 81 x 2) x 13 – 81X 12

? 3 = (237 x 13 – 81 x 26) – 81x 12

? 3 = 237 x 13 – 81 x 38

? H.C.F. of 237 and 81 = 237 x 13 + 81 x (–38)


The above relationship is the representation of H.C.F. of 237 and 81 as linear combination of these two.



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