Ex 6.1 Class 8 Maths Question 9.How many numbers lie between squares of the following numbers?(i) 12 and 13(ii) 25 and 26(iii) 99 and 100.
Harshit Singh , 3 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
1 Answers
Pawan Prajapati
Last Activity: 3 Years ago
(i) We know that numbers between n2 and (n + 1)2 = 2n
Numbers between 122 and 132 = (2n) = 2 × 12 = 24
(ii) Numbers between 252 and 262 = 2 × 25 = 50 (∵ n = 25)
(iii) Numbers between 992 and 1002 = 2 × 99 = 198 (∵ n = 99)
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