dear iitians,what is the use of information technolozy & python,java,C,C++ laguages.
SURESH , 9 Years ago
Grade 12
5 Answers
Prabhakar ch
Last Activity: 9 Years ago
Dear Suresh,
There is many uses of IT, Pytohn, Java, C, C++. IF you want become a programmer these all are usefull. The programms are usefull in solving mathematical problems. If you know all these languages you will easily become a good programmer and you wil got job all the best for your bright future
it is very usufull to the growng up.If you know all these languages you will easily become a good programmer and you wil got job all the best for your bright future...
Gaddam Chethan
Last Activity: 9 Years ago
Hello Suresh
For the fourth year in a row, Python retains it's #1 dominance followed by Java, C++, and Javascript. This year's most noticeable changes were a 47% increase in C# submissions, a 25% surge in Javascript, as well as a 48% increase in C submissions.
Last Activity: 9 Years ago
dear suresh
information technology is used in our day to daylife to improve the lifes in modern technology .without this we cannot survive in this generation.
Gowri sankar
Last Activity: 9 Years ago
Hello suresh,
It is very usufull to the growng up.If you know all these languages you will easily become a good programmer and you wil got job all the best for your bright future.This is the use of IT.
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