
A car is moving with a uniform speed and after travelling a distance of 30km a defect occurs in it due to which it`s speed gets reduced to 4/5 of it`s original speed and the car reaches late by 45 min to the destination. If the defect have occurred after travelling 18km the it would have reached late by 36min. Find the speed of the car in the first case and the total distance.

A car is moving with a uniform speed and after travelling a distance of 30km a defect occurs in it due to which it`s speed gets reduced to 4/5 of it`s original speed and the car reaches late by 45 min to the destination. If the defect have occurred after travelling 18km the it would have reached late by 36min. Find the speed of the car in the first case and the total distance.


1 Answers

Aabid Hussain
askIITians Faculty 576 Points
7 years ago
Let the speed be x km/hr and the total distance to be covered be y km/hr.

Original time required to cover Y km = Y/X hour

Lets consider two cases:


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