Anas Amanullah Khan

Grade 6,

Calculate the mass of H 2 O (in gm) in vapour form in a 821 litre container containing liquid water at 300 K. (Assuming volume of liquid to be negligible.) [Given vapour pressure of water at 300 K = 22.8 mm of Hg]. Divide the final answer by 2.

Calculate the mass of H2O (in gm) in vapour form in a 821 litre container containing liquid water at 300 K. (Assuming volume of liquid to be negligible.)

[Given vapour pressure of water at 300 K = 22.8 mm of Hg]. Divide the final answer by 2.

Grade:12th pass

1 Answers

Kajal Banga
askIITians Faculty 113 Points
2 years ago
Hello student

Please find the solution below:

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