
The Diameter of the pistons of a hydraulic press are 0.04 m and 0.40 m respectively . The arms of the lever are in their ratio 6:1 . Find the total force produced on the larger piston when a force of 75 kgf is applied at the end of the longer arm of the lever .

The Diameter of the pistons of a hydraulic press are 0.04 m and 0.40 m respectively . The arms ย  of the ย lever are in their ratio 6:1 . Find the total force produced on the larger piston when a force of 75 kgf is applied at the ย end of the longer arm of the lever .

Grade:12th pass

1 Answers

Sumon Borgohain
15 Points
one year ago
The Diameter of the pistons of a hydraulic press are 0.04 m and 0.40 m respectively . The arms of the lever are in their ratio 6:1 . Find the total force produced on the larger piston when a force of 75 kgf is applied at the end of the longer arm of the lever

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