sonali oberai

Grade 8,

In a certain system of units, 1 unit of time is 5 sec, 1 unit of mass is 20 kg and 1 unit of length is 10 m. In this system, one unit of power will correspond to

In a certain system of units, 1 unit of time is 5 sec, 1 unit of mass is 20 kg and 1 unit of length is 10 m. In this system, one unit of power will correspond to


2 Answers

Saurabh Koranglekar
askIITians Faculty 10335 Points
5 years ago
Shreekant Sharma
16 Points
one year ago
In new system time = 5 sec, Mass=20kg and length =10 m them put these values in power 
We get :20×10×10×5^-3 = 16 watts answer

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