Anas Amanullah Khan

Grade 6,

What is the difference between germplasm and genepool???

What is the difference between germplasm and genepool???

Grade:12th pass

3 Answers

Saurabh Koranglekar
askIITians Faculty 10335 Points
3 years ago
Genetic pool represents the entire genetic variability or diversity available in a crop species. ... Germplasm includes both cultivated and wild species and relatives of crop plants. Germplasm is collected from centres of diversity, gene banks, gene sanctuaries, farmer's fields, markers and seed companies.

550 Points
3 years ago
Explanation: Genetic pool represents the entire genetic variability or diversity available in a crop species. ... Germplasm includes both cultivated and wild species and relatives of crop plants. Germplasm is collected from centres of diversity, gene banks, gene sanctuaries, farmer's fields, markers and seed companies
13 Points
2 years ago
gene pool is a narrow concept which includes the genetic material available in a crop species
whereas germplasm is a broad concept which includes in addition to genepool the wild relatives, obsolete cultivars etc .

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