
Please read the instructions carefully. You are allotted 5 minutes specifically for this purpose.


A. General:

1. This Question Paper contains 32 pages having 34 questions.
2. The question paper CODE is printed on the right hand top comer of this sheet and also on the back page (page no. 32) of this booklet.
3. No additional sheets will be provided for rough work.
4. Blank papers. clipboards. log tables, slide rules. calculators, cellular phones. pagers and electronic gadgets in any form are not allowed.
5. The answer sheet. a machine-gradable Objective Response Sheet (ORS). is provided separately.
6. Do not Tamper mutilate the ORS or this booklet.
7. Do not break the seals of the question — paper booklet before instructed to do so by the invigilators.
B. Filling the bottom-half of the ORS:
8. The ORS has CODE printed on its lower and upper Parts
9. Make sure the CODE on the ORS is the same as that on this booklet. If the Codes do not match, ask for a change of the Booklet.
10. Wine your Registration No., Name and Name of centre and sign with pen in appropriate boxes. Do not write these any where else.
11. Darken the appropriate bubbles below your registration number with HB Pencil.
C. Question paper format and Marking scheme:
12. The question paper consists of 3 parts (Chemistry. Mathematics and Physics). Each pan consists of four Sections.
13. For each question in Section I, you will be awarded 3 marks if you darken only the bubble corresponding to the correct answer and zero mark if no bubbles are darkened. In all other cases. minus one (-1) mark will be awarded.
14. For each question in Section II, you will be awarded 3 marks if you darken only the bubble corresponding to the correct answer and zero mark if no bubbles are darkened. Partial marks will be awarded for partially correct answers. No negative marks will be awarded in this Section.
15. For each question in Section III, you will be awarded 3 marks if you darken only the bubble corresponding to the coirect answer and zero mark if no bubbles ate darkened. In all other cases, minus one (-1) mark will be awarded.
16. For each question in Section IV, you will be awarded 3 marks if you darken the bubble corresponding to the correct answer and zero mark if no bubble is darkened. No negative marks will be awarded for in this Section.

IIT JEE 2010 Paper 2 Instructions

Please read the instructions carefully. You are allotted 5 minutes specifically for this purpose


A. General:

1.This Question Paper contains 32 pages having 57 questions.
2. The question paper CODE is printed on the rifht hand top coiner of this sheet and also on the back page (page no. 32) of this booklet.
3. No additional sheets will be provided for rough work.
4. Blank papers. clipboards, log tables. slide rules, calculators, cellular phones, pagers and electronic gadgets in any form are not allowed.
5. Log and Antilog tables are given in page numbers 30 and 31 respectively.
6. The answer sheet. a machine-gradable Objective Response Sheet (ORS), is provided separately.
7. Do not Tamper Mutilate the ORS or this booklet.
8. Do not break the seals of the question - paper booklet before instructed to do so by the invigilators.

B. Filling the bottom-half of the ORS:

9. The ORS has CODE printed on its lower and upper Parts.
10. Make sure the CODE on the ORS is the same as that on this booklet. If the Codes do not match, ask for a change of the Booklet.
11. Write your Registration No.. Name and Name of centre and sign with pen in appropriate boxes. Do not write these anywhere else.
12. Darken the appropriate bubbles under each digit of your Registration No. with HB Pencil.

C. Question paper format and Marking scheme:

13. The question paper consists of 3 parts (Chemistry. Mathematics and Physics). Each past consists of four Sections.
14. For each question in Section I: you will be awarded 5 marks if you darken only the bubble corresponding to the correct answer and zero mark if no bubbles are darkened. In all other cases, minus two (-2) mark will be awarded.
15. For each question in Section II: you will be awarded 3 marks if you darken the bubble corresponding to the correct answer and zero mark if no bubbles are darkened. No negative marks will be awarded for incorrect answers in this Section.
16. For each question in Section III: you will be awarded 3 marks if you darken only the bubble corresponding to the correct answer and zero mark if no bubbles are darkened. In all other cases, minus one (-1) mark will be awarded.
17. For each question in Section IV: you will be awarded 2 marks for each row in which your darkened the bubbles(s) corresponding to the correct answer. Thus each question in this section cathes a maximum of 8 marks. There is no negative marks awarded for incorrect answer(s) in this Section.

Write vour name, registration number and sign in the space provided on the back page of this booklet. 


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