
What are harmonics?

What are harmonics?


15 Answers

1700 Points
8 years ago
Dear Prabhakar,
                     Harmonic is the wave or signsl whose frequency is an integral multiple of prequency of some reference signal or wave.
342 Points
8 years ago
Harmonics are defined as the overtone accompanying the fundamental tone at a fixed interval produced by vibration of a string or column of air etc...............
Gaddam Chethan
317 Points
8 years ago
We define harmonics as voltages or currents at frequencies that are a multiple of the fundamental frequency. In most systems, the fundamental fr
383 Points
8 years ago
281 Points
8 years ago
a component frequency of an oscillation or wave.a component frequency of an osicillation or wave is called harmonics...............
Dheeru chowdary
100 Points
8 years ago
a harmonic of a wave is a component frequency of the signal that is an integral multiple of fundamental frequency
Gowri sankar
292 Points
8 years ago
We define harmonics as voltages or currents and a multiple of fundamental frequency. the fundamental frequency is used to learn more things.
105 Points
8 years ago
dear friend hormonic means repetations allowed in their motion or shape ex simple pendulam motion is harmonic in case of string sine or cos graph
53 Points
8 years ago
a component frequency of an osicillation or wave is called harmonics...............a component frequency of an oscillation or wave.hormonic means repetations allowed in their motion or shape ex simple pendulam motion is harmonic in case of string sine or cos graph or
242 Points
8 years ago
my dear friend prabhakar my answer is the hormonics means repitation allowed in their motion.thank you.
sreekanth sree
125 Points
8 years ago
an overtone accompanying a fundamental tone at a fixed interval,produced by vibration of a string,column of air etc;in an exact fraction of its length.
216 Points
8 years ago
hello prabhakar...
             A harmonic is a signal or wave whose frequency is an integral (whole-number) multiple of the frequency of some reference signal or wave. The term can also refer to the ratio of the frequency of such a signal or wave to the frequency of the reference signal or wave.
131 Points
8 years ago
the  harmonic is defined as a harmonic is a signal or wave whose frequency is an integral multiple of the frequency of some reference signal wave.
108 Points
8 years ago
my dear friend the hormonic is a that the freequency is an integral multiple of freequency and
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94 Points
8 years ago
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