
how does a fan work

how does a fan work



3 Answers

AKASH GOYAL AskiitiansExpert-IITD
420 Points
13 years ago

Dear Student

electric fan works on the principle of electromagnetic induction.there are two parts of this one is stator and other is rotar.induction machine are ac machines.stator is given single phase ac voltage which produces sinuosoidal flux and emf is induced in the rotar and acc to lenz law current flows in a direction so as to oppose the cause that has produced effect in this case it rotates in similar direction as that of sinuosoidal field..and rotar rotates so blades attached to it also rotates and we get cool air


All the best.                                                           


AskiitiansExpert-IIT Delhi


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AKASH GOYAL AskiitiansExpert-IITD
420 Points
13 years ago

Dear Student

electric fan works on the principle of electromagnetic induction.there are two parts of this one is stator and other is rotar.induction machine are ac machines.stator is given single phase ac voltage which produces sinuosoidal flux and emf is induced in the rotar and acc to lenz law current flows in a direction so as to oppose the cause that has produced effect in this case it rotates in similar direction as that of sinuosoidal field..and rotar rotates so blades attached to it also rotates and we get cool air


All the best.                                                           


AskiitiansExpert-IIT Delhi


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Durgesh Prasher
21 Points
13 years ago

the centre of mass of fan is buldged downwards so as to make it rotate faster .

the moter rotates the fan n the blades of fan are tilted at an angle such thut they can pressurise air above fan n between ceiling

so the air comes down with speed 

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