
Can u please tell me the characteristics which will help to recognize a reversible reaction

Can u please tell me the characteristics which will help to recognize a reversible reaction


1 Answers

deepak askiitiansExpert-iit
19 Points
13 years ago



A reversible change in thermodynamics is a change that can be reversed by an infinitesimal modification of a variable. The key word 'infinitesimal' sharpens the every day meaning of the word'reversible' as something that can change direction.We say that a system is in equilibrium with its surroundings if an infinitesimal change in the conditions in opposite directions results in opposite change in its state.One example of reversibility that we have encountered already is the thermal equilibrium of two is reversible because, if the temperature of either system is lowered infinitesimally,then energy flows into the system with the lower temperature.If the temperature of either system at thermal equilibrium is raised infinitesimally, then energy flows out of the hotter system.

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