
how we detect nitrigen

how we detect nitrigen


4 Answers

37 Points
10 years ago
TO a portion of sodium extract few ml of sodium hydroxide is added and then freshly prepared ferrous sulphate solution is added . Then acidified with Hcl gives a prussian blue or green colour indicates the presence of nitrogen
Pushkar Aditya
71 Points
10 years ago
To indicate the presence of nitrogen first we take the sodium fusion extract and add some basic and also add some fresh FeSo4 and cool it and add FeCl3 and acidify the solution with concentrated HCl. Then it turns to Prussian blue or Green color. It indicates the presence of Nitrogen. The steps takes place during this process. NaOH+FeSO4 =>Fe(OH)2 Fe(OH)2+NaCN=>Na4[Fe(CN)6] +FeCl3 It gives rise to Fe4[Fe(CN)6]^-4 It is the Ferry Ferrocynamide.It is the color of Prussian blue.
37 Points
10 years ago
To a portion of sodium extract few ml of sodium hydroxide is added and then freshly prepared ferrous sulphate solution is added . Then acidified with HCl gives a prussian blue or green colour indicates the presence of nitrogen.
37 Points
10 years ago
To find the presence of nitrogen in any organic compound first we take the sodium extract and add some fresh FeSO4 and cool it and add FeCl3 and acidify the solution with concentrated HCl.It turns into Prussian blue color which indicates the presence of nitrogen. The steps of reactions took place in the Nitrogen test : NaOH+FeSo4=>Fe(OH)2 Fe(OH)2+NaCN=>Na4[Fe(CN)6] Known as sodium Ferro cyanide. Then add the FeCl3 to the sodium Ferrocyanide it gives rise to the Formation of Fe4[Fe(CN)6]3 which is known as Ferryferrocynamide which is in the color of Prussian blue or green color. Thank you .

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