
Most scoring topics for chemistry in IIT JEE - AIEEE ??

Most scoring topics for chemistry in IIT JEE - AIEEE ??


2 Answers

Gaurav Sharma
19 Points
15 years ago
The most scoring Topics in chemistry are Basic Concepts, Stoichiometry, Gaseous and Liquid states, Atomic structure, Chemical Bonding, Energetics , Equilibrium, Electro chemistry, Chemical Kinetics & Nuclear Chemistry, Solid State Also Organic Chemistry easy to score in iit jee.
Prashant Sahay
19 Points
15 years ago
After analysis of past year paper, I have come up with the conclusion that following sub topics have high probability of appearing in the exam. Atomic Structure – Heisenberg principle,Quantum Numbers Ionic equlibrium – Salt hydrolysis,buffers and sloubility products Chemical Kinetics – Arrhenius Equation Electrochemistry – Electrolysis and conductance,concentration cell Gaseous and liquid state – Kinetic gas theory,diffusion General Organic Chemistry – all topics Amines – Exhaustive ammination

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