
Consider two displacements, one of magnitude 3 m and an- other of magnitude 4 m. Show how the displacement vectors may be combined to get a resultant displacement of magnitude (a) 7 m, (b) 1 m, and (c) 5 m.

Consider two displacements, one of magnitude 3 m and an- other of magnitude 4 m. Show how the displacement vectors may be combined to get a resultant displacement of magnitude (a) 7 m, (b) 1 m, and (c) 5 m.


1 Answers

Abhishek Kumar
askIITians Faculty 255 Points
9 years ago
IT will depend on the angle between the vectors.
When they are along same line, angle = 0, it simply adds.
For, angle = 90, add = 5.
For, angle = 180, 4-3 = 1

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