
Which is the best C++ book to refer for good theory as well as programming practice and if you know then please also mention the price (Please don't suggest the book by Sumita Arora )

Which is the best C++ book to refer for good theory as well as programming practice and if you know then please also mention the price

(Please don't suggest the book by Sumita Arora ) 


1 Answers

suryakanth AskiitiansExpert-IITB
105 Points
13 years ago

Dear Nitin,

I would say that "Accelerated C++" is the best book for beginners, and
that it covers 90% or more of what you will use 90% or more of the time,
even as intermediate or expert. After reading this and understanding it
and applying it, you can then pursue specific areas of interest and buy
other books.

And The Deitel and Deitel book:
"C++ How To Program" is also good.

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Suryakanth –IITB

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