
i am giving iit for the 2nd time & have completed almost all my syllabus quite well. but , i am strictly afraid of integration & have no idea about it, can u help me?

i am giving iit for the 2nd time & have completed almost all my syllabus quite well.

but , i am strictly afraid of integration & have no idea about it, can u help me?

Grade:Upto college level

1 Answers

Badiuddin askIITians.ismu Expert
148 Points
14 years ago

Dear rahul

integration is important topic in IIT JEE syllabus,you will get 2-3 question based upon this.

So have enough time left to study integration.

I will suggest u to refer I A MAron (calculus of single variable) intigration is very well explained in this book.

also refer ur study material .

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