
A satellite of mass m is orbiting the earth in a circular orbit of radius r.It starts loosing energy due to air resistance at the rate of C J\s.Then what time taken by the satelite to reach the earth.

A satellite of mass m is orbiting the earth in a circular orbit of radius r.It starts loosing energy due to air resistance at the rate of C J\s.Then what time taken by the satelite to reach the earth.


2 Answers

Chetan Mandayam Nayakar
312 Points
12 years ago

initial energy= -GmM/2r, M is mass of earth,

let a be radius of earth

satellite will reach earth when its energy reduces to -GmM/2a

Swapnil Saxena
102 Points
12 years ago

Then answer is -(GMm/C) (1/r-1/R) = t Where M ans R r the respective mass and radius of the Earth. 

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