
hey, plz help me. i live in small town where only 1 cbse school is there and i want to do well in my boards. plz help me know what pattren come in this exams and what type of qu come in this, what books do i have to read for, science, hindi, english and maths in detail . THANKS

hey, plz help me. i live in small town where only 1 cbse school is there and i want to do well in my boards. plz help me know what pattren come in this exams and what type of qu come in this, what books do i have to read for, science, hindi, english and maths in detail . THANKS


1 Answers

878 Points
13 years ago

Dear student,

Do a very planned study and buy the standrad books for 10th class say RD Sharma for maths,Modern book for english,Together for hindi , science and social science..

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Sagar Singh

B.Tech, IIT Delhi

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