
What should be the minimum rank for SC to get Mechanical Engineering in NIT Warangal

What should be the minimum rank for SC to get Mechanical Engineering in NIT Warangal

Grade:Upto college level

1 Answers

Badiuddin askIITians.ismu Expert
148 Points
14 years ago

Dear Alok

Branch Name Quota Allotted Under Category Opening Rank Closing Rank

Mechanical Engineering AI OB 7652 8350

AI OP 1360 3586

AI SC 10636 33825

AI ST 64485 70707

AI STPH 346598 346598

HS OB 8502 9794

HS OP 3599 4391

HS SC 39487 41094

HS SCPH 196170 196170

HS ST 78926 87018

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