
If a charged-capacitor is disconnected and connected to an uncharged capacitor and then connected to the same battery which was used to charge the first capacitor, will the two capacitors be joined in parallel or in series if we are trying to find out the ratios of their energies?

If a charged-capacitor is disconnected and connected to an uncharged capacitor and then connected to the same battery which was used to charge the first capacitor, will the two capacitors be joined in parallel or in series if we are trying to find out the ratios of their energies?


2 Answers

Mukesh Sharma
askIITians Faculty 43 Points
10 years ago
the two capacitors should be joined parallel so that the voltage will remain same in parallel combination .

Thanks & regards

Mukesh Sharma

Ask iiTians Faculty, Jiwaji university , Gwalior

21 Points
10 years ago
when both the capacitors are joined together , then they will be connected in parallel.

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