
Dear sir, My inclination is towards Computer Science & Engineering or Electronics & Communication Engineering. As per predicated rank there are chances to get admission in above two colleges? Which one is batter out of two mentioned above? Any other NIT's or New IIT's better then these two? What above the VIT, Vellore, DA-IT, Gandhinagar & Nirma, Ahmedabad? Please provide your valuable suggestion.

Dear sir, My inclination is towards Computer Science & Engineering or Electronics & Communication Engineering. As per predicated rank there are chances to get admission in above two colleges? Which one is batter out of two mentioned above? Any other NIT's or New IIT's better then these two? What above the VIT, Vellore, DA-IT, Gandhinagar & Nirma, Ahmedabad? Please provide your valuable suggestion.


1 Answers

Badiuddin askIITians.ismu Expert
148 Points
14 years ago

Dear umesh

BHU and ISM is best colleges of India ,both college are among top 15 engineering collegs of india.getting admission in ISM or BHU is good choice.placement is very good in these institute

you may choose college in the order.

1 new IITs



4 NITs

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