
Generally homospores are developed and produce monoecious plants but in case of marchantia homospores are developed and produce dioecious plants y?? WTF is the reason behind this ?

Generally homospores are developed and produce monoecious plants but in case of marchantia homospores are developed and produce dioecious plants y?? WTF is the reason behind this ?

Grade:12th pass

1 Answers

Vasanth SR
askIITians Faculty 1335 Points
6 years ago
The Life Cycle of the LiverwortMarchantia polymorpha.

Haploid gametophytes develop gametangia in antheridiophores and archegoniophores that produce the sperm and egg, respectively. Upon fertilization, which is facilitated by raindrops, the diploid sporophyte remains attached to the archegoniophore and produces yellow sporangia, in which haploid spores are formed after meiosis. The spores are liberated and germinate to form a new gametophyte thallus. The sex of the thallus depends on which sex chromosome it inherits.

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