
This is a question of straight lines If theta is the angle between the lines represented by x 2 -3xy+∂y 2 +3x-5y+2=0 where delta is a real number then cosec 2 theta equals: 9,3,10 or 100?

This is a question of straight lines
If theta is the angle between the lines represented by x2-3xy+∂y2+3x-5y+2=0 where delta is a real number then cosec2 theta equals:
9,3,10 or 100?


1 Answers

Nishant Vora IIT Patna
askIITians Faculty 2467 Points
8 years ago
Use this formula to find ∂ first

abc + 2fgh – af2 – bg2 – ch2 = 0

There after we can use angle between 2 SL’s formula

tan⁡θ=|m1-m2 / 1+m1⁢m2|.

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